
Thursday, June 13, 2013

100% rise in jobs for mobile app developers

100% rise in jobs for mobile app developers
The study found tremendous demand for HTML 5 development skills, which witnessed a 149 per cent increase in job postings in 2013.
NEW DELHI: To bridge the significant gap in demand and availability of skilled mobile app developers, several large organisations are tapping global talent hotspots like India, China, Israel and Europe, says a study. 

Job postings for mobile developers has doubled in the last two years, but supply is growing only at 13 per cent, the study by Talent Neuron, a web-based talent planning and management platform from Zinnov LLC, said. 

To address the gaps, companies are following a three- pronged approach -- acquisitions, leveraging global talent hotspots by expanding their R&D footprint and vendor partnerships -- to take advantage of available talent, the study said. 

"Several large organisations are leveraging global talent 'hotspots' such as India, China, Israel and Europe," it said.

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